Post by Collins on Jun 19, 2010 9:06:23 GMT -5
The Colonel walks into the front door of Leafwright's place. "Seems nice wonder if they can make this old clunker better." Collins walks up to the front counter and rings the bell a few times. no one answers and then he does Shave and a hair cut on it and waits patiently smiling and chuckling to himself.
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Post by rihdan on Jun 19, 2010 10:39:45 GMT -5
Hears the bell. "Boss, I'm gonna go see who is here." Walks to the trap door and goes up the ladder into the back room. She quietly shuts it and covers it. As she starts to walk out, She notices dirt tracks on the floor too small for Soles. 'Oh that does it! I knew he was here.' She thought to herself angerily. 'I swear I'm going to beat him.' She walks around the table, which also has dirt on it and a plate that had a few pie crumbs left on it and stalks out into the front of the shop. She notices the man in a kilt standing at the counter... Then, she notices the hair on the counter. Inside she becomes furious, 'OH JUST GREAT! another carver to clean up after.' Too bad she is more shy than anger, or else he would have gotten flattened right there. "Um.. Yes, How can I help you?" She askes as she runs a hand through her long dark red hair and blinks. She stands behind the counter with her other hand in her pocket.
Post by Collins on Jun 19, 2010 12:06:13 GMT -5
"Hi. I was hoping you guys could fix up this old fighter I found near my base." Looks down to where she was staring and sees the hair. "Also not my hair. I don't have any." The Colonel takes his beret off and shows her his shiny bald head. (Shave and a hair cut is a type of jingle that was originally used in the korean war. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shave_and_a_haircut)
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Posts: 42
Post by cj on Jun 19, 2010 14:16:22 GMT -5
"sure thing" says soles as he walks out. "but ill have to warn ya it may take a while im knee deep in projects as it is, also I ain't the cheapest shop out there if ya catch my drift"
Post by Collins on Jun 19, 2010 14:36:58 GMT -5
"And I am a head of a private military contract guild for hire. I don't do cheap. That is why I came here. Besides this is going to be a present for one of my allies. Your guild as a matter of fact Soles." Colonel Collins says with a smirk. "Also I have an area near the base that looks to be an airship graveyard and my guild engineer says most of them still have their flight crystals. I think we could work out a deal that would benefit both of us, wouldn't you agree?"
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Post by rihdan on Jun 19, 2010 15:12:04 GMT -5
Steps forward with anger. "We dont NEED floaters."
(Well, *sticks out tongue* I didnt know. bah)
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Post by rihdan on Jun 19, 2010 15:12:43 GMT -5
(Ah now i remember... Its how my dad knocks on my door >< )
Post by Collins on Jun 19, 2010 16:08:15 GMT -5
"Young lady I am not offering you guys floaters. I am offering y'all ships that work. Hell we took 6 of them and made drones out of them. They need some repairs to their weapon systems and new engines, but they fly for now. Hell my entire fleet is made from that grave yard. And my flag ship is on par with the original designs for the Crown of Orlandia." So don't call that graveyard floaters. I know airships pretty well myself. No crystal, no lift." Collins says with a stern serious look at Rihdan.
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Post by rihdan on Jun 19, 2010 16:25:11 GMT -5
She scoffs at the man and bends over and blows the hair and dust off the counter in his general direction and returns to the back room. Under her breath she says, "Rude men and their skirts."
(Lol don't take offense by the skirt comment. My character is just a shy girl who takes offense easily sometimes. Kinda is a outspoken person... even though she is shy... sigh... its complicated lol. Also the fact that she ((And myself)) have really only been up a few minutes after about 3 hours of sleep. She is grumpy. And now is the time to fix it. xD)
After about two minutes of sitting in the kitchen staring at Carter's mess she came to the conclusion that because of her lack of sleep she just jumped down the man's throat. Sighing she walks back out front. "Look, Sir. I am sorry. I was angry before you got in here due to a mess in the kitchen and I took it out on you sir. I thought you were talking about us fixing ships for you and you would give us the stones out of the ships in the graveyard. I call the flight stones Floaters because Ive found other uses for them than just flight. I apologize for my earlier outbursts and wish to procure your forgiveness and a chance to start over. Deal?" This was a mouthful for her and it is quite obvious she is shaking and troubled over the way she reacted. She can't even bring herself to look at the man she was apologizing to.
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Post by b2412 on Jun 19, 2010 18:56:56 GMT -5
Major Espinoza walks into the shack looking place, and sees his CO standing there. "Colonel, sir what brings you here?" He then turns his attention to the lady and says "Miss, I have a rush job I need done within the next day or 2. Is there any way you all can do it?" " I need a SatCom attached to my ship. I was hit the other week, and my SatCom is busted, but this is no ordinary SatCom or Ship. It is a special ordered UNGDI SatCom and it was shipped all the way here from a remote UNGDI base. I'd also like you to take a look at her, and see if there's anything you might recommend that could be done. I'm told you are the best shipmakers and repairers this side of Orlandia."
Post by Collins on Jun 19, 2010 19:41:13 GMT -5
"I am working on getting our fleet back up while using the graveyard next door." Collins says to his simple minded XO. "It is ok Rihdan just remember I am not offering just the stones. I am offering the entire ships also. Half the graveyard is all of yours."
Post by skysu on Jun 19, 2010 20:52:20 GMT -5
(So how did this little known base of operation suddenly get known by everyone?)
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Post by rihdan on Jun 19, 2010 20:55:10 GMT -5
"Soles is the engineer here. I just work with the stones and various other things I want to work on. Got kind of a deal here with Boss. I make him his stones, he gives me a place to live. He'll be the one you wanna talk to about the Satcom... and your graveyard.... Though he may be interested in the ships for some parts we are looking for." She looked at Soles. "And like he said, we are knee-deep in projects here." She looks out at the shop... It's nearly empty... She runs out into it and grabs a box of various connectors and screws and dumps it in the middle of the shop floor. "See BIG project here. It's called CLEANING AND ORGANIZING THE MESS YOUR BUDDY KEEPS LEAVING ME, SOLES!!!" She yells in Soles direction. She visibly calms herself. "Apologies, Boss has a friend that likes to pop in randomly and leave messes around. And since I feel like giving me a place to live is kind of overpayment for the work I do, I keep the shop clean." She sighs and walks back to the counter. "You talk to Soles about it. Hey, Boss want me to clean up the kitchen and set out the Sandstorm Ale so you guys can sit inside where it doesn't smell of grease to discuss your..." She pauses for just a second, "...business? I think the newest brew is done, and this man's deal sounds like a doozy and worth a few pints." Hex is a master at reading people's personal tastes, and she can tell that Collins is a man that enjoys his drink. "I recently came up with a new Ale using the stones, Call it Sandstorm, cause when brewed right, It feels like you have a soft sandstorm flowing around you and enveloping you in its warm embrace." She smiles at Collins and winks. "Like I said fresh brew is finishin."
Loyal Blade
Stone Mage - The Players Guild
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Posts: 169
Post by rihdan on Jun 19, 2010 20:57:52 GMT -5
(Idk but since it is CJ he probably deals with EVERYONE, and everyone knows it but it is "little known" because no one speaks of it openly with anyone else. Hence why espinoza did not expect to see collins here. Also, well Ill msg you the next part of my idea.)
Post by Collins on Jun 19, 2010 20:58:09 GMT -5
"Well hand me a pint young lady!" (Skye I am awesome like that)